Hamas hótar ofbeldi á Austurvelli

frettinInnlent, Páll Vilhjálmsson2 Comments

Páll Vilhjálmsson skrifar:

Grímuklæddur stuðningsmaður Hamas heldur á spjaldi við tjaldbúðir á Austurvelli þar sem segir að barist verði fyrir stöðutöku múslíma á þjóðarreitnum við styttu Jóns Sigurðssonar. Myndin er uppstillt og skilaboðin skýr. Íslendingar halda kannski að íslensk lög gildi hér á landi en herskáir múslímar telja sig vita betur og flagga fána Palestínu þar sem 17. júní er minnst ár hvert.

Hamas stendur fyrir ofbeldismenningu. Fjöldamorð þeirra á börnum, konum og öldruðum 7. október í Ísrael er samkvæmt stefnuskrá og hugmyndafræði samtakanna. Stríðið milli Hamas og Ísrael í kjölfarið nota herskáu múslímarnir sem átyllu til að krefjast nýlendu á Íslandi fyrir ættbálka af Gasa-strönd.

Ofbeldishótanir útlendinga ber að taka alvarlega. Einkum og sérstaklega þegar fyrir liggur að viðkomandi aðhyllast hugmyndafræði sem hvetur til þjóðarmorðs.

2 Comments on “Hamas hótar ofbeldi á Austurvelli”

  1. I’m not surprised at this display of impertinent behaviour. They are widening the envelope, pushing the limits. The only thing these people respect is strength whereas the Icelandic government has projected only weakness.

    Icelanders should understand this clearly: you cannot sweet-talk your way with Muslim extremists. History has shown that they only understand the language of the muscle & sledgehammer: round up the squatters & deport them all. It is odd that I have to remind descendants of Vikings the virtues of strength.

    Consider also the optics of the whole situation: Iceland has painted a large target on its back. Every military age Muslim man around the world who is shopping for a Western country to go darken now knows that Iceland’s leadership is feckless and can be intimidated into accepting their demands. The result will be more of these people trying to stream into Iceland – unless Icelanders nip this in the bud right now.

    There comes in the life of a nation pivotal moments. In the modern era, this is that inflection point for Iceland and what you do now will determine what nation your children & grandchildren will inherit. Learn from the mistakes of your neighbors. As soon as Muslims acquire enough numbers it will be impossible to revert and you will have lost your nation.

    Cancel all the refugee & asylum programmes, shut down immigration. Admittance should be highly selective and based on Iceland’s needs, not on the needs of the Woke leftwing minority.

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